Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mickey D Might Not Be So Bad

I do a little substitute teaching in the Houston area and for the most part enjoy it. The pay is ridiculous but it is extra money and certainly better than nothing. Today I ran across one of the kids that I know from school while he was behind the counter at McDonalds and it got me thinking about the loads of crap he gets from some of the other kids about his part time job. One day after listening to this (he takes it in good natured way), I pointed out that a kid that works at McDonalds after school and part time throughout college may well be in a position to move into management. Perhaps they would not even have to go to college if not inclined. A career under the golden arches can be a fairly lucrative endeavor as one moves up the food chain (no pun). Probably better than most of the kids that give this kid crap will end up with when it is all said and done. Many of them will ride the chemical plant contractor roller coaster which can be a dead end. Hell, maybe I should join Mickey D.

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