Thursday, October 29, 2009

Honor the Troops

Today our illustrious president "honored" those troops slain in Afghanistan by making a photo op appearance at Dover AFB. Meanwhile, he dithers and does not send the appropriate force to crush those that oppose the effort of Western Civilization to avenge countless deaths at the hands of the Mohammedans. Have you ever seen the flippant "salute" that he gives to the Marine standing at the steps of Marine One? That in itself gives us a glimpse into the mindset of this man and probably many others that "serve" this country in his administration. They distrust if not hate the military is my guess. Military service is perhaps beyond their understanding. Contrast that with President Bush stopping, looking the young man in the eye, and rendering a proper military salute. President Obama's demeanor in this regard is probably just part of learned groupthink absorbed during his college years. Nothing wrong with that in itself as many universities in this nation have a leftist agenda which is agressively taught. Most people grow out of that mindset however when they get out and begin to see the world the way it is. Those that do not become what is now known as progressive which is an idealistic, Utopian, and ultimately childish view of the world. It is an indictment of the collective intelligence of the American electorate that Mr. Obama was elected. Perhaps we that love our country are the ones that are "out of touch." That is sad.

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