Monday, August 3, 2009

The Luckiest Man in Television

I was going to write today about Larry Tate from "Bewitched," but due to time constraints, and really just not wanting to really write at all, I have decided to do a short and sweet diatribe.
You often hear a good bit being said about the incompetence of the USPS but I have never really had any major problem. I think a lot of the griping is just people talking to hear themselves talk (kinda like a blog). Recently however something has come to my attention concerning the Postal Service that deserves mention.
Have you seen the recent commercials that are promoting the Post Office' new shipping plan? I assume it is designed to compete with UPS and Fedex. You know the one, the "if it fits, it ships" advertisement. Have you noticed Postal Service guy on the far right? He is the one that does a little talking toward the end of the commercial. Doesn't he look a lot like President Obama, at least at a distance? The first time I saw this I burst out laughing. I caught a glimpse of some android looking lanky guy with jug ears and I thought for a moment our President was moonlighting. Maybe getting a little "real" acting experience so he will have legitimate employment after his defeat in the 2012 elections. It is some other guy though that resembles the President. Now this guy is not what you would call a "fine figure of a man," and I am sure his likeness to Obama got him this gig. I will be willing to bet that this guy hopes that Obama's poll numbers never tank. If the President stays popular, I am sure the commercial gigs will keep coming his way. Maybe even a sitcom appearance or two. He is truly the most lucky man in television.

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