Saturday, February 20, 2010

How We Got Saddled With Obama

There has been quite a bit written on how on earth this nation could have possibly elected Obama to the highest office in the land and arguably the most powerful position on earth. This has been analyzed ad nauseum and I will now further add more to the pile.

For starters just the man's name alone should have been enough to deter a substantial number of voters. His middle name after all is the same as the former Iraqi dictator's last name. Oh also did I mention that his last name rhymes with Osama. It makes one wonder if The Almighty might be playing some kind of trick on this nation. These unfortunate coincidences concerning the President's name would give many pause. That is probably wrong, but it is human nature.
Apparently not enought people gave into this and voted for the man.

Number two on this list is of course Obama garnishing most of the minority vote in this nation. Now this is somewhat understandable as a serious minority presidential candidate is pretty much a novelty. When such things become more common then people will use a bit more of their brain and less emotion when voting.

Number three is the fact that the vote for Obama was for a great many nothing more than a vote against the incompetency of the previous administration. Add the fact that the Republican candidate was a wishy washy weakling (politically) and Obama's election was all but assured.

Number four we come to the electorate that are true believers. Those with a extreme socialist and even Marxist bent are certain to have voted for Obama, perhaps believing he is one of their own. It is interesting that this borderline Marxist President is not near left enough for most of these voters. Most are sorely disappointed now. Don't believe me? Take a gander at some of their asinine blogs. I could recommend a few.

Number five we come to the young and dumb. A great many bought into the messianic hype and voted. Perhaps we should raise the voting age to the current drinking age.

Then of course we have the phenomena of those white liberals that voted for the man just to show themselves how hip they are. Good job!

Now we come to a very interesting minority of voters that should have no interest in voting for a man with such an anti-business, socialist agenda. Most business people distrust Obama and his associates and would not ever consider voting for him. I am talking about those in business that perhaps believe that a liberal administration would be much more receptive to their brand of business. An example would those in the pornography business. I am personally acquainted with someone who manages some sort of quasi sports betting on the Internet. The past administration has shown hostility to any kind of offshore sports betting which would and did make it difficult to lay the governments hands on individual winnings. In this particular case it perhaps made sense for the person in question to (obviously) vote for and indeed campaign for Obama. It is doubtful that it will do him any good as offshore sports books and related industries make it inherently hard to control, and more importantly, collect any tax revenues off winning players earnings. This administration may soon prove to be relentless in the attempt to devise new taxes to impede American capitalism. Now these types of "business people "are probably in a very small minority but they do and did their part by their influence and their vote to enable the carnage that may (hopefully not) be the result of the Obama administration. Shame on them.

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