Thursday, January 14, 2010


Well Pat Robertson has spoken and again proven himself to be what we all already know. As Ass! Of course if he is right in his comments and has some special insight into God's Will then we are all "up the ass of the prophet." I'm not really sure what that means exactly but I did read it in Lothar Gunther Buchheim's historical novel "Das Boot." If I recall it used in a conversation between the Chief Engineer of the U-Boat explaining propulsion or buoyancy to the German Naval Correspondent that was assigned for the patrol. Apparently "up the ass of the prophet" is not a good thing. "Das Boot" is a novel with the impact of Willi Heinrich's "Cross of Iron" and the WWI historical novel "All Quiet on the Western Front" by Remarque. The film based on "Das Boot" is probably frighteningly realistic, but the "Cross of Iron" was a very poor film even with the all star cast assigned. It would be nice if someone would remake "The Cross of Iron" into a more accurate film. I have not seen the film "All Quiet on the Western Front". What is interesting about the three above named authors is that all of them walked the walk. Buchheim served on Atlantic U-Boats and is very lucky indeed to have survived that experience. A large proportion of the sailors assigned to U-Boat duty never came home. Heinrich faced the Soviets on the eastern front fighting a war which we in this country can only imagine. The Nazi/Soviet theatre of the war was truly a fight to the finish. Remarque served in WWI and was wounded numerous times. Each of these books is an excellent read and the film "Das Boot" is well worth watching.

It is kind of odd that right now the voices of the lunatic fringe have the floor to the detriment of the country. On the right we have Robertson, Duke and their ilk and they are just silly. On
the left we have the likes of Pelosi, Franken, Gore, Frank, Holder, and (dare I say) Obama. With that crew in positions of power this country is unfortunately truly "Up the ass of the prophet."

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