Thursday, January 14, 2010

American Idol is Stupid, but "Pants on the Ground" was Great

Well "American Idol" the opiate of the masses, is on again for another season. I must admit that I do watch the early auditions for entertainment value. You have to wonder what makes some people truly believe that they have some talent, when in fact, they have even less than even the average person who shits between two shoes. I often cringe when I see someone making a complete ass of themselves and want to turn away but of course, don't. It is voyeuristic to the extreme probably but can be just hard not to watch. Last night however a man calling himself "General" Larry Platt came on and sang his original "Pants on the Ground." I hope we will be hearing from the good General soon. Remember William Hung a few years ago? General Platt has much more talent than William and William made a little money with his recording. He sort of helped make "Idol" look foolish in his innocent fun loving way. I hope Larry Platt gets his cool song recorded and makes himself a little coin. He is funny and is a lovable old dude besides.

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