Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Did the Man Look Orange?

I watched the State of the Union address in its entirety evening last. It seemed to me like a pretty good speech but of course like most other SOTU addresses, it can all be taken with a grain of salt. With that being said, I just did not take anything the man said seriously. How could I? There are some things I did notice however that struck me as kind of interesting. Apparently the make up that President Obama was wearing was applied too thickly or the wrong shade was used or something. The man looked orange. Maybe it was just my television but I swear the man looked the same shade as one of those hookers on that "trash tv" show "Jerseylicious." You would think that the White House would have some competent make up artists on contract for major public appearances. Another thing of note was the (of course) appearance of that dumbass Sheila Jackson Lee. She was not wearing red this time but some kind of "dress" that was a loud yellow. She, a rather unimportant member of Congress, obviously pushed her way up to the aisle to be on television for all the nation to see. She does this type of thing all the time. It is really rather amusing but at the same time, a bit sad.  The poor woman is an embarrassment to her district, the city of Houston, and all Texas. Now the most funny thing to me was Vice President Biden. The man could not resist, even for an hour, of "jacking around"  as the President spoke. Not even for an hour! Did you notice him making some silly gestures to someone as Obama spoke? For some reason Fuzzy Zoeller came to mind. Do you remember when Zoeller innocently made some kind of racist remarks about Tiger Woods after Tiger won his first Masters? Zoeller was too stupid to understand that he would be lambasted for what he said and of course he was "taken to task" for his rather insensitive remarks. I kind of get the feeling that Biden is the type guy to make some sort of dumb ass remarks in public and get himself in hot water. The Obama administration must live in fear of Biden on the loose. I guess that is about it really. The speech was typical B.S. as far as I could tell and the response(s) just about as inane. Oh wait. John Boehner did have a nice tie. That was important.

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